Sunday, December 22, 2013


Time's town crier came to a halt
at the front of my savvy mind
Gome! Gome! Gome!
boom the hollow metal as it chime.

Time just trickle me
to speak your wedding to the world.

I speak this day to the world
by pouring in your minds my words;
a gentle olive oil
pour on the mind when it boil.

when life tour
is taking you both on a tour
through its bumpy road full of contours,

life gets so slow,
delight seize to flow
oh no what a pain in the soul.

When sleeping bread in bowl of water
making it pass the throat gutter
becomes an attempt
to make the night feel better

Always Remember !
Your marriage is a celebration of love,
a gift from up above
a promise to join force
in life struggle
when it gets tough.

A union of opinions,
a marriage of two united efforts
to each other they must comport
to build a castle of comfort.

A celebration of comfort and delight
that unite;
a promise of delight
whose's fire will never seize to ignite.

Always remember TODAY
A day that love stir
with every pinch of air
in the atmosphere
flowing with the genial breeze
oozing here and there.

Your hearts promising each other care,
you are eachother's DEAR
and for each other,
you must forever be there.

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