Monday, October 08, 2012


I sight a ‘height’ that is gleaming high in the skies
But, ‘Unity’ is the flight that bustles us to its light.
We can only footprint ‘its’ moon if we plight to unite
Because, ‘Unity’ has in its pocket: the enthusiasm to ‘this land of delight’.

Are you not always amazed about how Army Ants,
Tiny Ants, count so much pounds
Of achievements through utilizing united effort
And united determination that ignites the fire of their comfort?

Unity is a ‘guest’ we all need to invite
And entertaining this ’guest’ on our site is our right
Kissing delight when you don’t unite is a might
Because unity breathes life into a serene delight.

If we are all ready to charge to fleecing delight,
Then we all need to unite to detain delight.

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